I contacted you, [Dr. Herring], one year ago and asked if Fast-5 was suitable for folks who needed to lose A LOT of weight. You replied that the maximum weight loss you knew of was a man who lost 90 pounds.

Well, I want to tell you that I have lost 140 pounds in 12 months. I’m still on Fast-5, with only 18 pounds to go before reaching my goal of 140 pounds. I will lose half of my original body weight — and I say that with certainty. I will keep it off because I will remain on the lifestyle of one meal/day for the rest of my life. I do not wish to go back to living with pain and extreme fatigue. I don’t have any good before and after pics, not being into photography. But I’m looking very good for a 68-year-old woman. Fast-5 works for seniors, too. Of course, people constantly ask me how I did it — some don’t even recognize me. I dutifully tell them, and I see their eyes glaze over. I belong to a group (Lose Over 100 Pounds) on LiveStrong.Com; and when I told the group about my loss, all of them responded with something like, “Okay, good for you, but I would NEVER do that. I need to fuel my body frequently to keep the metabolism firing, etc.” My doctor frowns on it as well, but she cannot argue with my blood analysis and lung/liver functions which are greatly improved. BTW, I did absolutely no exercise. I did watch calories on my one meal, but had no forbidden foods and ate a hearty lunch every day, from soup to dessert.

Hello. I just got the AC book. I love it. I’ve done the “HCG” diet a couple times. The 1st time I had 30 lbs to lose. I’ve
always been 110-115. But the lbs crept on. I’m not that heavy, would like to lose 15lbs. Also would this AC help with thyroid issues? Hypo
No one can know or predict an individual’s response, as your outcome depends on your specific thyroid issues. The anti-inflammatory effect of a daily fasting schedule like AC/Fast-5 may provide some benefit, but there is no obvious connection unless your thyroid issue is autoimmune in nature. As it is a significant health concern, please consult your local physician for monitoring as you work with AC. Changes are not likely to happen quickly — think weeks and months, not overnight or a few days, and working with your physician can help you identify your healthiest way forward.
Well done Linda you look fabx