Dr. Bert and the team LOVE our worldwide community of AC/Fast-5ers. Their signature humor and generous, mutually supportive conversations in both the private and the public groups and a growing eagerness to share the AC/Fast-5 lifestyle gives us plenty of reason to believe that shifting the tide on the obesity epidemic is within reach! Yesterday reinforced our confidence with a rare treat that we plan to experience again and again in the future. We met a long-time AC/Fast-5er in person!! Two of them, actually.
Some fun firsts!
A couple of days ago, Dr. Bert and I arrived in the Atlanta area to prepare for this Sunday’s event—the first in our series of Appetite Correction in the Real World free educational and community connection events. The one here in Atlanta is particularly exciting because it includes a lot of firsts:
- the first time we’re hosting a live “coffee conversation”
- the first time we’ve traveled specifically to meet out-of-town AC/Fast-5ers with whom we’ve become wonderfully connected online over the years AND
- another exciting first that we’re saving to share on Sunday
For those of you in the Atlanta area, we would love to meet face to face! If you’re outside of the Atlanta area, say in Amsterdam perhaps, the trip might be a little out of reach, so please tune in via Dr. Bert’s Facebook LIVE stream to share in the fun.
Rumor has it that Dr. Bert will open up the floor for an “ask me anything” question and answer session after he delivers his talk. If you’ve been eager to know what Dr. Bert REALLY thinks about, say, bulletproof coffee, Sunday is the time to ask.
Behind the scenes fun and a BIG thank you!
AC/Fast-5 community members Team Slayton (Paula, her husband Bill, and their family and friends are providing essential support) and Krystle McNeill Rodriguez, owner of Hodgepodge Coffee House.
Check out a few fun images from yesterday’s on-site planning session!